"Doctor Dino" Gets Busted For Tax Evasion

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Kent Hovind, one of the pre-eminent spokespeople for the notion that evolution is a myth; the bible should be taken literally; the earth is 6000 years old, and that man walked the earth with dinosaurs has finally gotten himself in big trouble.

The Florida evangelist, who owns the defunct Dinosaur Adventure Land in Pensacola was arrested Thursday on 58 federal charges, including failing to pay $473,818 in employee-related taxes and making threats against investigators.

Of the 58 charges, 44 were filed against Kent Hovind and his wife, Jo, for evading bank reporting requirements as they withdrew $430,500 from AmSouth Bank between July 20, 2001, and Aug. 9, 2002.

At the couple's first court appearance Thursday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Miles Davis, Kent Hovind professed not to understand why he is being prosecuted. Some 20 supporters were in the courtroom.

"I still don't understand what I'm being charged for and who is charging me," he said.

Kent Hovind, who often calls himself "Dr. Dino," has been sparring with the IRS for at least 17 years on his claims that he is employed by God, receives no income, has no expenses and owns no property.

"The debtor apparently maintains that as a minister of God, everything he owns belongs to God and he is not subject to paying taxes to the United States on money he receives for doing God's work," U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Lewis Killian Jr. wrote when he dismissed a claim from Hovind in 1996.

Hovind, an avowed creationist, has widely publicized his "standing offer" to pay $250,000 to anyone who can provide scientific evidence of evolution.

"No one has ever observed a dog produce a non-dog," Hovind once wrote in reply to a New York Times article.

In the indictment unsealed Thursday, a grand jury alleges that Kent Hovind failed to pay $473,818 in federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes on employees at his Creation Science Evangelism/Ministry between March 31, 2001, and Jan. 31, 2004.

As part of the ministry, Hovind operated the Dinosaur Adventure Land at 5800 N. Palafox St., which included rides, a museum and a science center. He also sold literature, videos, CDs and other materials and provided lecture services and live debates for a fee.

The indictment alleges Kent Hovind paid his employees in cash and labeled them "missionaries" to avoid payroll tax and FICA requirements.



Posted by Anonymous on 2006-07-16 22:46:44
he doesn't need jail, he needs a mental institution
Posted by Arpegio on 2006-07-17 17:34:14
Taxes help create infrastructure for the society. Mr. Hovind certainly took advantage of public roads and utilities and other services. It's fair that he pay taxes. I don't understand some people like this and how they can rationalize that they don't have to contribute to the society from which they continually take.
Posted by Anonymous on 2006-07-19 05:15:21

it's because he's a f*cking asshole
Posted by Anonymous on 2006-10-09 18:02:58
You guys are narrow minded, i'm not saying he shouldn't pay taxes, but he contributed more to society, than any of you
Posted by K.C. on 2006-12-26 22:44:22
If you do a little research and read the constitution of the united states you will find taxes are optional,(although i recommend you pay your taxes) they are certainly "Not" mandatory as the irs would like you to think. Futher more i think kent hovin is a intellagent man with a high call from God, and certianly not crazy, so befor you throw stones and speak out of turn why dont you see where he stands and listen to his Creation science siminars you will find them interesting to say the least, they can be found on his website also on google video, have a nice day ...........God Bless :)
Posted by Andrew on 2007-03-24 07:47:38
In response to Arpegio don't we pay a gas tax and and a toll? Im sure if I took even more time to look into this but the point is? Your f*cking lazy Why do were have all these other taxes along with the federal? We pay other taxes to take care of these things? LMFAO And because he's a f*cking ass hole Anonymous ? real profesional? All you people and I use that term loosely are all H8ers. What has this guy ever done to any of you? did you know that there are well over 100's of Corperations that don't pay taxes? hmm? A ND senitor raised the question a couple times and just got booed! So why dont we do the same here? lol
Posted by Arpegio on 2007-03-31 07:53:43
This guy goes around claiming that evolution is a theory and that "christian science" is as legitimate as regular science. If he had his way, we'd still be living in huts. He thinks there were dinosaurs 6000 years ago. The guy is nuts. He should not be in a position to influence people with his ridiculous bullshit.
Posted by Dave M on 2007-04-01 11:37:22
Science is science. It's not Christian or non-Christian. If you look around you, it's evident that there is a Designer. It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it ever does to believe in creation. No one sees a beautiful building and claims that it came from millions of years of natural forces and mutations on materials or organisms. As for Dr. Dino, he's a stand up guy. If any of you haven't heard Dr. Dino, I highly recommend him. He has a great way of explaining science in a way that doesn't require you to check your brain at the door. I wish he hadn't tried to avoid paying taxes, even if it's to make a point. I'll be praying for Kent and his family and hope you do too.
Posted by sekurata satara on 2007-05-08 17:28:41
Mr. Kent Hovind aka Dr. Dino who claims to be a minister of God, should have remembered what Jesus Christ told the Pharisees about paying tax to Caesar: 'Give back Caesar's things to Caesar but God's things to God'(Matthew 22:21); he showed a shabby example for his flock, so that he rightly deserved his condemnation.
Posted by truth needs to be told on 2007-05-22 20:37:38
people especially the critics are spreading lies about Kent Hovind it needs to stop .its amazing how many people are always there to knock people down and critize people given the chance especially those ignorant stupid evolutionist .who think all life created its self from nothing .ya and i can fly to what a joke critics are .
Posted by Pile on 2007-05-22 20:40:48
What lies?
Posted by Jon on 2007-05-29 10:29:55
Obviously the lie that he didn't pay his taxes... Apparently the IRS just made it all up.

Evidence of a designer, I love that line. If there was a designer for this world he obviously dropped out of school. Constantly shifting plate tectonics, massive biological flaws in every lifeform on the planet vis-a-vis recessive genes, broken chromosones, etc, wobbly orbits, deadly radiation... All while falsifiying evidence of an old universe for giggles.

Apparently the universe was created during a drinking game. Hey guys, know what would be really funny? It'd be awesome if I put this star so far away from Earth that it would normally take a million years for the light to get there, and then makethelightgettherein6,000! That would really mess with folks~!
don't worry
Posted by Henk on 2007-06-08 03:01:18
Why is everyone so worried if mr. Hovind did good or bad?
Fact is that the message he carries out is right.
If he did something wrong, then it still doesn't mean that his message is not true.
Don't worry about mr. Hovind.
Worry about your own destination/salvation
unthinking stone throwers
Posted by Veritas1 on 2007-06-23 11:27:09
My prayers are with you Kent.You are right on point and you don't need me to tell you that. None of the these nasty comments are from plp that have given any thought to what you have been accused of. Have any of you looked at what Jesus said when he said to 'render unto Caesar'? Does anything that the good Dr has belong to Caesar. Do we, here in the grand ol USA even have a Caesar? Have any of you looked at the supreme law of the land and found the law that requires me or you to give to the FEDS? If you say yes then you are just a parrot telling lies because there is not one place in the Constitution that requires us to give to the FEDs. You condemn this man out of the false theaching that you have so passively accepted to be true. Where is your courage? Have you read the studies that indicate that light travled at speeds as much as 10 million times faster 6,000 years ago? A million times faster a mere 2,000 years ago. Have you read about the experiments where they are making light travel faster then it's self? Maybe another dimension. At any rate Dr Hovind offers to you his understanding of what happened. The only thing that you really need to pay close attention to is that YOU MUST BE SAVED!!! I promise all of you out there that nobody in hell will hear the words " 'Well done, my good servant!
Posted by Pieter Botha on 2007-10-02 05:15:32
Some one that have not made mistakes in his/her live have not done something with there lives. My prayers go out to Dr Hovind and his family. The devil will do any thing to silent and bend the word of God.
Posted by Me on 2007-10-10 04:31:03
Taxes are not mandatory. He is persecuted for having a theory that conflicts with the state pushed and funded theory of evolution. I only wish I could have 1000 hate filled websites written about me by the atheists. That would give me great pleasure to know that I was out there doing my job as a Christian. When the atheists push, Hovind pushed back. (That makes me proud) I think it's funny to watch the three on one debate against Hovind by these evolutionist, atheist scientists and Hovind wins the day. Not based on the applause of the crowd, but because he has answers when the others clearly can not. Atheists want you to believe they have the answers. Evolutionists want you to believe they know the truth. They want you to think their theory requires no faith. Evolution in itself requires nothing but faith. If only I had the faith of an atheist... I would be the most faith filled Christian on the planet to believe such a ridiculous theory as macro-evolution. What a joke! "If you let me control the textbooks, I'll control the state" - Adolf Hitler - Public Enemy Evolutionist Number One.
Check your Attitude
Posted by Captain Bill S. on 2007-11-08 05:34:47
It is obvious to me from reading these postings thus far that those writers with a good attitude toward Mr. Hovin as a person, tax issue aside (if that's possible for some readers), have listened to his seminars with an open mind and have considered both sides of the creation/evolution argument. They have gained understanding of our world as a result. Furthermore, those with a bad attitude apparently have their minds made up already. It seems they already have all the answers they want. Before Christ changed my heading (see aeronautical definition for "attitude"), I had nothing but a negative attitude toward life as well. By the way, I was miserable and so are many of you. Take courage and exmaine your own life as I did. Personal SIN is at the root of your misery. Only CHRIST, the creator, has solved your sin problem and mine. Life is too short to live cussin' your way through it only to wind up in a worse state for all of eternity. Accept what Jesus Christ has done on your behalf and mine. You'll be glad you did. I am and I have been for the past 30 years.
Lover of the Lord
Posted by Noah my Jesus on 2007-11-20 01:27:15
Ditto to the last response! It's a sad world we live in and Mr. Hovind's message on "Evolution" has more information in it than most realize! The New World Order... Gun Control... The Holy Spirit and Prophesy was all over this man! His persecution is "Counted as Joy" and even in prison I'm sure God will use him! Not much time left anyway! You that don't know Him... will.... probably later than sooner! Enjoy the best of what you can, while you can... but it will very short lived!.... Blessings.... Noah!
Bad Attitude?
Posted by Pile on 2007-11-20 09:35:10
You know what might give someone a bad attitude? If from the moment you're born, people tell you you're "cursed" with "original sin" because some chick ate the wrong fruit off a tree 6000 years ago! And if you don't follow some divine plan you get to burn in hell for eternity. And then you're told the person who set this up was "all-loving" and you look around and see suffering all around the world, that can give anyone a bad attitude.

But the real reason why people are down on Kent Hovind is because he's a LIAR. He intentionally distorts the truth; he exploits weak-minded people who want supernatural answers to things, and the best explanation he can give involves picking-and-choosing snippets of science, taking them out of context, and perverting their meaning to his brain dead minions to prop up an illogical claim that biblical creation jives with science. It does not. Kent Hovind is a snake oil salesman.

If you people have so much "faith", then the next time you get really ill, pray to Jesus. Don't go into a hospital or see a doctor who practices Secular Scientific Methods. No. Instead go to church and ask Jesus to cure your cancer or replace your kidney. Don't be taking any vaccines or flu shots either. That's all based on the science of evolution and genetic mutation, which Hovind and his flock of sheep think isn't real. So do us all a favor and don't bother with any health insurance either. That's all godless science anyway. Just pray to Jesus for everything you need. Then and only then will you not be the flaming hypocrites you are.
Posted by john sme on 2008-02-24 19:27:00
Posted by lududs on 2008-05-29 11:10:29
isnt there any people from hovinds church who can explain what happened indeed
Posted by Dusko Friedlieber on 2008-07-10 16:04:51
I am just at this time learning of the predicament of Mr. Hovind and I think it is a miscarriage of justice. According to his statement he consulted many attorneys and followed their advice. If anyone should be jailed it is the shysters who gave him wrong advice in the first place.
Posted by Anonymous on 2010-02-03 03:56:44
woah apparently its god loving time in here! i just had to post just to claim that i was one of the few that was actually clued in to the workings of the world rather than most of you utter tards. i agree with the guy that said dont get vaccinations. just all die out quickly and let the other half of the population who know how to think for themselves and can rationalise rather than go "light must have travelled faster - that makes sense" or "yeah an ice meteor hit earth and made really cold snow that froze the mammoths" (part of his explanation of the great flood). ICE METEOR?! thats a comet to everyone else, and secondly, ATMOSPHERE + comet = stupid heat. no snow is coming from that impact.

hope he dies in prison. preferrably alone.
Posted by Pile on 2010-02-03 05:39:08
I wouldn't wish ill will upon Hovind. I would hope that he comes to his senses and stops pushing this bone-headed notion that the Earth is only 6000 years old.

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