Administration Makes Themselves Immune To Investigation

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The NSA has denied clearance to the DOJ, in an effort to investigate the Bush administration's illegal use of wiretaps. It appears that the NSA now has a sort of pocket veto power when it comes to any investigation involving domestic(or otherwise) spying albeit legal or not.

Leave it to the Bush administration to come up with creative and new ways to avoid getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar. This latest one involves them merely denying security clearance to investigators trying to find out the details of a massive, illegal wiretap operation on almost all Americans. Apparently only one company refused to cooperate: Qwest Communications.

Update: T-Mobile appears to also be taking a stand along with Qwest to fight illegal government snooping. Rumors are flying around that all cell calls are also being monitored.

The government has abruptly ended an inquiry into the warrantless eavesdropping program because the National Security Agency refused to grant Justice Department lawyers the necessary security clearance to probe the matter.

The Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility, or OPR, sent a fax to Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., on Wednesday saying they were closing their inquiry because without clearance their lawyers cannot examine Justice lawyers' role in the program.


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T-Mobile Fights NSA




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