Help Congress push for voting investigation

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Regardless of how you voted this year, there have been widespread reports of voting anomolies in the last election. Moveon has set up an automated system to help petition Congress to request a formal investigation. Do your part and sign the petition to urge Congress to ensure the voting system in the United States is secure.


voter fraud
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-12 14:13:13
For the love of Pete, get over it. You are nothing but a bunch of cry baby losers. You tried to lie, cheat and steal your way into the White House and loss. I would suggest quit being in denial and try to figure out, why you lost. Here is a clue: If you are looking for which group is intolerant, racist, pig headed and bigoted....look in the fricken mirror. Being the aboveformentioned, combined w/ the self righteous, condesending and pompous attitude is the reason you lost...that and being a part of a political party that preaches political correctness, moral relativism, judicial activism, and historical revisionism. Remeber you bunch of JACKASSES, Republicans are called "The Right" for a very good reason. Would love to say soooo much more, but I have to be a good Evil Conservative and go drown some fluffy kittens, club some baby seals, hang some minorities, beat up some gays, kill some spotted owls, burn some mosques, drive my Hummer and waste fossil fuels, oh and destroy the environment. (This is what us NeoCons are all about, right? )You are really pathetic, but quite amusing to listen to for a good laugh. Lastly, just what does it feel like to be the human remains in the bowel movement of an elephant and be out sprinted by a Pachyderm? Better yet, how does it feel to lose to a bunch of knuckle dragging, in-bred and American Taliban?
voter fraud my ass
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-12 14:26:17
Can y'all be anymore stupid? The GOP stole the election? Cracka pleaz, you real should consider getting a life! did everything illegal possible and you still lost. Whining like little school girls and crying 'foul' ain't gonna get you anywhere. All your shrill complaining will do is move more people to the right....Trust on this one, because I was on the left, and saw the light and went right. So sit back, relax, take a Xanax, Prozac cocktail, fill up your bongs, put on a good Dave Matthews or The Boss cd and let the adults drive...for four more years. Come on, just open your mouths and chug a big, fat, hot, steamy, sticky load of compassionate conservatism.
Love & Kisses, Cap't Conservative-Fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way....something you useless limp wristed, veggie eating liberals no nothing about.
do you even read the articles?
Posted by wizeGurl on 2004-11-12 23:48:42
It doesn't say a single thing about anybody stealing the election. Last time I checked, "voting anomalies" can affect all voters, Republicans, Democrats, and others alike.

Plus your comments are completely irrational. If you guys are in charge, we have a lot to worry about. Fortunately, I'm pretty sure you just search for places to rant online, and probably didn't even bother to vote.
Oh I read.....
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-15 16:19:38
but prefer books and articles with lots of big pictures of smoke stacks billowing pollution into the air, and of police men turning fire hoses n minorties trying to vote.

The "article" regarding voting anomolies referenced, so although it was entertaining it lacks any credibility. By the way, the voting "anomalies" in the Florida panhandle is really a voting trend over the last three presidential elections where the population in the panhandle has overwhelmingly voted for the Republican candidate....even registered Demoncrats.

I don't think, and can you honestly say with a straight face that, if Mr. Flip Flop won, this article would have appeared on your totally partisan web-site?

Ranting and irrational, moi? This hurts me deeply my friend. No ranting, just rubbing your nose in and nice fresh mound of defeat. I have listened silently while you and the rest of your ilk have said terrible nasty and untrue things about President Bush and his followers. So sorry for not showing more class, and compassionate conservatism.

If it bothers you then, try to put together a political party that actually has a cohesive and coherant platform that people believe and try to win an election. Until then, I suggest shuting thy pie hole. To the victor goes the spoils, to the losers goes...well nothing.

By the way, I voted, thanks to Michael Moore, Babs Streissand, and Julian Bond and the rest of the looney left which has hi-jacked an once proud party. LBJ, FDR, Truman and other great Democrats are turning in their graves watching what has become of this party. I have to thank all of the above for helping the GOP bitch slap y'all like a Pimp to a 'Ho
Thank you, and Amen
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-15 21:19:45
to the responder who called it like it is: is a big pile of,fly surrounding and stink engulfing, sh*t! The sad thing is 48%, or 55 million people are stupid enough to believe that the UN, France, Germany, etc. are the enlightened ones. Here is a message from a former left leaning, bean eating, shroom munching, bong token, wild man: You can still party, settle down, breed, find God and be cool. Once you want to see the light, we will accept all of you with open arms. Drop the big ol' glass of kool-aide, and at least listen to what we have to say
Posted by Wyle on 2007-05-02 07:24:05
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