Widespread evidence of tampering in Florida vote

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I was skeptical of the usefulness of some of these ongoing investigations into voting anomolies but investigators have uncovered what can only be explained as highly suspect figures on changes in the republican/democrat vote almost exclusively limited to particular counties using specific types of voting machines!

More on the issue can be found here.

Florida touchscreen counties roughly matched up to party registration numbers, but optically scanned paper ballot counties showed strangeness like one county where 69.3% registered democrat, but only 28% of them voted for Kerry. Palm Beach County, Florida logged 88,000 more votes than there were voters; that machines in LaPorte, Michigan discounted 50,000 voters; in Columbus, Ohio voting machines gave Bush an extra 4,000 votes; in Broward County, Florida voting machines were counting backwards; Lastly, precincts in New Mexico gave provisional ballots that will never be counted to as many as 10% of all their voters. More here.




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