Good News From The Government About Global Warming

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The Department of Energy, the Energy Information Administration, and the American Gas Association have a really great spin for you on why Global Warming is A-OK. Lower winter heating bills! In an article on the AP and in statistics on various government websites, the news is being touted that winter heating bills are going to be lower across the board, especially for users of Natural Gas. Is this because of new policies to make gas and oil producer's eat SOME of the high prices of the products they pull out of the ground? Is it because they've figured out a way to stabilize the regions where oil comes from? No, stupid, it's because this winter is going to be one of the warmest on record!

So just marvel at the reduction in your heating bill (as much as $15 whole dollars! OVER THE WHOLE WINTER! I CAN GET THAT KIDNEY, FINALLY!) and under no circumstances think about why it may be that you don't have to use as much heat. When you're putting on a t-shirt to go out to celebrate New Years at Times Square or to go skiing through slush in Vail be happy that the administration is monitoring such vital statistics as the 1% drop in your energy bill instead of something as silly as greenhouse gas emissions or ozone depletion.

Tripe-Swallowing AP Article

EIA Page
Modified by ueberbill on 2006/10/10 13:04
Modified by ueberbill on 2006/10/10 13:17


Posted by lep on 2006-10-10 15:54:19
Actually, this is fairly important stuff, and should be done regardless of global warming (there are trends in weather that aren't directly related to global warming, and those can have significant economic impacts). Also note that the article itself doesn't mention global warming, and is really quite dry - not exactly an enthusiastic "Yay, energy prices will be low!"

That said, the problem is with what's not mentioned. Global warming is the elephant in the room, and the government ought to be doing more and better research on it - and not covering up the results.
Posted by ueberbill on 2006-10-12 09:55:22
My main problem is with the AP writer- the possibility (nay, the near-certainty) that this is a result of global warming doesn't even come up- that this is in fact not good news (15 bucks? It's not even that good!) but a sign of bad news to come. Plus I've been looking for a place to insert an organ transplant joke for awhile.


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