Alabama Government Tries To Boycott Aruba

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The Alabama House passed a resolution Friday asking Alabama residents to boycott travel to Aruba, where a teenager has been missing for more than seven weeks.

No word on whether Alabama's government will ask its residents to boycott their own state, which currently has twenty-two missing children!



Posted by Samuel(LA) on 2005-07-25 01:51:50
Yeah right. As if that is going to affect Aruba's tourism. GET REAL! To the goverment; try to come up with solutions for real problems.
Posted by Tim(Va) on 2005-08-04 08:02:08
Bottom line is an American daughter is missing by the hands of a person or persons who dont care about us. That to me is a form of terriorism. We of the world must stand together including the good people in Aruba to fight the evil person responsible. Boycott is one way to apply pressure to really solve this case.
Posted by Bob on 2005-08-06 00:13:18
How do you know they don't care? Is that because you don't give a rat's ass about anybody but yourself? So everyone else is eligible to be collatoral damage?


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