New Swiss Public Toilets

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Apparently the Swiss are just too clever for their own good. They've developed a public toilet which is covered with one-way glass so that while you're inside you can see out, but nobody can see in. Would you use this thing? (See the full article for the picture from the inside)


Posted by i wanna use it on 2005-03-25 16:54:30
i would so use it and yeah
Posted by wizeGurl on 2005-03-25 20:23:48
Guess if I had to go bad enough I'd use it, but I wouldn't like it. There are simpler ways to go about it if you long to see the world around you while you answer nature's call.

These things need that glass that gets frosted when you flip a switch. Clear glass for the bold, frosted glass for the modest, both on call.
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-03-25 23:21:11
I think that it would be kidda crazy. Sounds like a good time to me. When do you get them in the states?
Posted by Warm Carl on 2005-03-26 03:37:24
That's certainly an usual rest room. I think it would be an experience.
Posted by boobs mcgee on 2005-03-26 11:57:52
i would love to poop on that thing
Lazy Swiss
Posted by Harry on 2005-03-26 19:21:01
All that proves is that the Swiss are more lazy than Americans because they don't even want to take the time to go inside to use the bathroom.I mean come on how long does it take you to go inside?Lazy....thats what I say, Lazy.
Posted by Warm Carl on 2005-03-27 12:03:12
Huh? Like there are no public bathrooms in the US? Your argument makes no sense. If you want to generalize about nationalities, the Swiss would be very low on the laziness scale, and guess who would be at the top?
Posted by Ann on 2005-03-27 12:04:55
If you think about it, there's also some safety in this design. From inside you can see if someone is hiding behind the door. Also if you're doing something suspicious in the area, you cannot tell if someone is inside the unit watching you.
Posted by Djyse on 2005-03-28 15:11:28
im sure some freak will masturbate themselve in these ... "toilet"...

sorry for if my english is bad, im speak french...
Posted by Demosthenes on 2005-04-14 21:05:43
Hey, is that Martha Stewart going in there?
Posted by chester on 2005-04-15 10:48:32
sure looks like it
Reply to Ann
Posted by Scarlett on 2005-06-10 23:49:10
LOL! I'm sorry, but why would someone be spying and going at the same time? Cuz I'm sure the secret service hides out in those things ALL the time!
see-through crapper
Posted by raelynn on 2005-06-19 11:34:22
That rocks!! I would SO go pee in that thing. lol. But..wait, okay, think like tinted windows...If you press your face up against it and cup your hands, don't you think you'd be able to see in?
Posted by VorSiecht on 2006-04-27 15:07:46
I would f*ck a chick in it


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