Big Game Hunting In Suburbia

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The web site says, This campaign is designed to tell the world what we think of those mindless suburban drones who insist on getting 12 mpg while driving their kids to soccer practice. Join us as we direct our social activist energies toward the exciting new sport of Big Game SUV Hunting.


Well done
Posted by Sh*thouse Rat on 2005-03-02 09:08:48
I've been doing this in NorCal for a few months and hoo doggie do people get mad. F*ck 'em - I'm 6'4" and go 235. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
I love Halliburton
Posted by The Truth on 2005-03-02 14:59:32
I get 6 miles to the gallon in my Hummer and take great pleasure in reving my engine at stoplights when next to tree huggers w/Kerry stickers on their rice burners for cars.

I typically find three or four of their cars a week smashed and mashed into the front of the grill or the boots of my feet.

Sure as sh*t, if I catch one of these environmental wackos putting a sticker on my Hummer, I will give them an enemia with my size 14 shoe.

Sure they have their rights to not approve of what I drive, but when they start putting stickers on others properties without consent they have stepped wayyyyyy over the line.

It is disgraceful what they are doing but not surprising since they come from the left and have a total disregard for the law.


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