Recount throws out Republican Governor in Washington

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Democrat Christine Gregoire was declared Washington's next governor yesterday, but Republican Dino Rossi refused to quit the race and cited thousands of "mystery voters" in King County as ample ammunition for continuing the fight.



Posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-01 09:07:37
a lot of pish
Shut up
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-03 22:55:16
oh really hmmm... that sounds almost familiar... who else do we know who lost an election and refused to admit it? OH YEAH! GORE!!!! and wait EDWARDS too. so why dont you stop acting like the Republicans are these whiners who are always involved in some vast conspericy. Do you know how i know that there is no Vast Right-Wing conspericy? because if there was one I'D BE PART OF IT!!!!
no, you
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-04 11:39:28
Hmm, let's, as I recall, Gore conceded the election once it became clear that the powers that be had no interest in actually counting the votes. Edwards, too, though as a VP candidate he didn't really have the power to concede--Kerry did that for him within 24 hours of the election.

The reason we frame that Republican governor as a whiner is that he wanted his opponent to concede quietly when he thought he was ahead. Funny how things look different when you're on the other side.
No, you , you.
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-02-09 09:55:18
I beg to differ my squishy little liberal friend. History will show that the modern Democrat party was an irrelevant whiny little party who, when they lost, tried to change to rules to fit their political agenda. The DNC has become home to moral relativism, judicial activism, historical revisionism, and communism light....i.e. socialism. FDR, Truman, Humphrey and Monihan must be turning over in their graves seeing what you leftist bastards have morphed this once great party into. You should be ashamed. Question? How does it feel to have lost the House and Senate, the majority of the state's Govenorships and the White House? Enjoy four more years W!!!!!! I KNOW I WILL ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF WATCH YOU INSIGNIFICAN PISS ANT LEFTIES IMPLODING


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