Down With Fancy Book Learnin'

Posted by wizeGurl (4879 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Or, What's it mean that the big cities and college towns of America all voted blue?

In this fine article--I call it that because the writing is just a plain pleasure to read, if you like good writing--the author points out that the big cultural centers and the best college towns in the U.S. all voted Democratic, and points to this cultural divide between fancy book larnin' who never needed none o' that, and are damn proud of it.

Why is America, a country where every parent will tell their kids that they MUST go to college if they want a good job, so dead-set against real learning and education? (Did you know that in Europe, those high taxes mean that every citizen who is accepted to college gets a FREE college education from the government?)

Here's a quote to whet your appetite:

Yes indeed, the Culture War has now penetrated the highest corridors of power, and the red tide has stormed in, taken control, entrenched itself, demanded regression and rollbacks and a return to old-fashioned American values, the ones that demand you read the Bible and fear foreigners and keep your damn legs closed and your mouth shut and quit asking so many prickly questions that make the president blink all confused-like.


I be ebujucated too.
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-16 15:43:44
Hey Perle0:

Not all of us who voted for Bush possess an extra chromosone. I find your description to be offensive, although not surprising. It is amazing how people like you, thinking you are so enlightened, are really blinded by your own ideology, and in fact nothing more then mindless droids spewing standardized liberal talking points.

I am assuming you are a wet behind the ears college student, brainwashed by terrorist loving professors who preach their own version of religion.....The High Church of Secularism. If you are older and out of school, I must assume you either fell on your head as a baby, or perhaps you ate lead paint chips. In any case you are blinded by your own ignorance.

You know, just because someone doesn't believe in the liberal agenda, doesn't make that person a stupid, bible thumping prude. Do you not recognize that your comments prove you to be intolerant and bigoted, which is ironically how you are trying to portray the right?

By the way, Bush scored a higher IQ than Kerry. Plus he graduated from Harvard and Yale. Yes I know Bush got in because of family ties. That being said, he still had to earn those degrees.

See the difference bewteen Republicans and Demoncrats is all about substance verse style. I'll take my president with his mangling of the English language, possessing a moral compass over the nuanced and enlightened Kerry who makes any decision based on where the political winds blow.

Keep up the good work though, because everytime you diss on this president and his followers, it just strengthens our resolve.

So fu*k you very much
same to you, sweetie
Posted by wizeGurl on 2004-11-16 16:31:25
My description? I was summarizing the article. You are familiar with the concept of summarizing? I quoted, too. Why, even the article states clearly that some smart, educated people voted for Bush.

Neither I nor the article I was describing makes the claims that you say we do. Talk about blinded by your own ideology....
Posted by Pile on 2004-11-17 04:13:08
Might I suggest you see if you can trade in your moral compass for a wind speed indicator?
Is that all you got?
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-17 06:30:19
Perle0 you bore me. Pile, well your a big pile of, fill in the blank. BS Alert is quite appropriate title of this joke of a web-site. I find your views to be so out of touch w/ reality, but again very entertaining. Description and summarizing are one in the same. Let's not split hairs please Mr. PerleZero

The quote to whet your appetite in the SUMMARIZATION (feel better now PerleZero) says it all, and shows what you really are: a narrow minded, parochial, morally myopic bunch of cry babies. You liberals try to give an image of being imaginative, non-conformist, and fair and independent-minded group. Unfortunately, given the unrelentingly jejune, cynical, ugly, ill conceived, and utterly predictable, as well as false view Bush and and his followers, such is not the case.

Pile of Dung, is that the best you have to offer? That was one weak come back. I thought you liberals were smart, master-debaters. I guess, much like your views of the world, which are childlike, so is your mind, which never developed past the third grade.

That's all for now my adolecent freinds. Got to get to work on planning total world domination, and lining the pockets of all those fat cat corporate big wigs at Halliburton, through unjust wars.

Love & Kisses,
The Truth
Partisan Politics
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-17 10:36:39
I am a registered Independent. I try to vote for the guy who I think is going to do the best job. What a concept! Seeing partisan politics & editorials just makes me sick. Both parties would never concede that the other had a good thought in their head. For both it's either believe everything we say or you're against us. It just drives me nuts to see so many one sided thinking on both sides. That is not what made this country great.
Finally a voice of reason
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-17 14:58:40
Mr. Independent you are a wise man/woman. For the record, although I am a former lefty and convert to the dark side, i.e. Republican party, I still try to look at the othersides point of view w/ open eyes. That being said, the crapola coming from the far left is absolutely mind numbing.

It is okay and Amercian to disagree, but the way and manner which the left has handled themselves is disgraceful. The things they say about us on the right is very hurtful and painful at times. Therefore, I have, using my warped sense of tasteless humor, decided to fight back using my keyboard. I find this to be a much more peaceful way to vent my frustrations. Frankly, I got bored being a serial killer of wimpy leftist, and didn't have room in my backyard to bury anymore of them.

However, your comments made me realize that this may not be the most constructive way to communicate w/ my numb-skulled brethren on the left.

To show I am a straight up guy, I would like to apologize to Perle Zero and Pile. I still think your crazy and mis-informed, but my words were inappropriate. We are all in this together and the deviseness from both sides have to stop.

Perhaps we can have a conference call and sing Kum By Ya together to show solidarity

The Truth
Posted by Pile on 2004-11-17 15:12:45
There's nothing wrong with debate, argument or interaction. You can malign this site all you want, but you don't see me keeping you from expressing yourself. That's the difference between this site, and the mainstream media. We're not asking you a question and then turning off your microphone.

The real enemy isn't liberals. It's the media that insults all people by not showing all sides to a story and polarizing the electorate when in reality, 95% of our needs and ideals are the same.
I was wrong about you Pile
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-17 17:21:37
We are all brothas from anotha motha.

Just so you know, my words, although quite harsh, are really just tongue and cheek and made to get a reaction.

Honestly though the vast majority of the articles on this site are very anti-Bush, anti conservative, etc.

Thanks for letting me continue to malign this does prove that you are a true patriot by allowing me to express my first amendment rights.

The Truth
Where I Stand
Posted by Pile on 2004-11-18 15:37:21
FYI, I'm really not interested in aligning myself with any particular political party. The purpose of this site exists to call attention to "BS" - and along those lines it's really non-partisian.

However, I cannot ignore what I believe to be the overwhelming amount of misinformation being perpetrated by media and government. The GOP is in power, so they end up being the most criticized. If you go back and look, you'll notice that during Clinton's administration, Michael Moore was just as hostile towards the Democrats and their goofy antics as he is toward the Republicans now. The political climate and who has power has more to do with it than any preconceived partisian slant.

The real enemy IMO is not any political party. It's the institutions that give one group disproportionately more attention than another.


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