Bush's new environmentally friendly energy source: Nuclear power

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"As part of the Bush administration's effort to boost the nuclear power industry, physics students at Langley High School will become the first in the country to use a new curriculum from the U.S. Department of Energy that promotes nuclear energy," reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "Federal energy officials said last week they hope the new curriculum will encourage more students to pursue careers in nuclear engineering." The program, called "The Harnessed Atom: a new curriculum in nuclear science and technology," could be expanded across the country "if it succeeds at Langley." Federal officials "are touting nuclear energy as 'green' power," ignoring the nuclear waste issue.

Critics, however, point out that nuclear power is not truly "clean" because the production process creates radioactive waste that remains potentially dangerous for thousands of years. Currently, a backlog of about 80,000 tons of high-level radioactive waste is being stored at nuclear reactor sites throughout the country.




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