Kids Arrested For Enforcing The Law

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Los Angeles County officials are undecided whether to prosecute two 18-year-olds for apparently trying to enforce a city ordinance in Glendora, Calif.

Keleigh Marshall and Christina Giammalva were arrested Feb. 19 for placing stickers on yard signs for Glendora City Councilman Gary Clifford, a candidate for re-election next Tuesday.

Glendora law prohibits placing political campaign signs on public property.

The stickers read: "This sign violates Glendora city ordinance."

Clifford confronted Marshall and Giammalva and demanded they remove the stickers, the Los Angeles Times reported. When they refused, he called the police -- who showed up in four cars.

The suspects told the police Clifford was violating the law with his signs, but police cuffed Marshall and Giammalva and booked them.





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