Congress: Pay Raises For Us, Not For You!

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Lawmakers are currently creating a smokescreen, aided by mainstream media like CNN, via the "American Values Agenda," which among other things wants to "protect the Pledge of Allegiance from attacks by activist federal judges seeking to rule it unconstitutional".

Meanwhile members of Congress displayed a double standard when they gave themselves a pay raise while refusing to allow the minimum wage to rise.

Apparently the "American Values Agenda" really has to do with the values of people in Congress (who make $165,000+/year), and not the actual working-class American people, who won't see an increase in minimum wage even after NINE years. But rest easy knowing your congressman will get a pay raise for all the great work they've been doing keeping guys from kissing in public.

Senate Democrats vowed Tuesday to block automatic pay increases for Members of Congress unless the minimum wage is increased from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour.

"We're going to do anything it takes to stop the congressional pay raise this year and we're not going to settle for this year alone," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) said.

In arguing for the minimum-wage increase, Democrats are emphasizing that salaries for members of Congress have risen $31,600 during the time the minimum wage has been frozen.

They complain that rising costs for gasoline, utilities, education and food have taken a chunk out of minimum-wage paychecks, which sometimes have to support entire families.



Im surprised they arent raising the minimum wage
Posted by RandomHero on 2006-06-29 14:00:47
Since all the minimum wage work is going to illegal immigrants getting 1 dollar an hour.

These congressmen/women are all there to represent and support the people who elected them, and apparently the people want less money for themselves and more for their elected representatives. Shamelss.

Colin Powell was right, George Bush doesn't hate black people, he hates poor people.


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