Right Wing Journalist Becomes Healthcare Victim

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Catherine Seipp, who has been an extremist writer for the conservative publication National Review Online, has, in the wake of her own health care nightmare, decided to rant about her troubles now that she's been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer and her insurer Blue Cross is giving her trouble.

Ms. Seipp's sordid history is not without overwhelming irony now in the face of her debacle (in 1997 she unsympathetically wrote of anyone who was offended by her writing to "Get over it!"), which seems to only be coming to light because she was unlucky enough to have the blue ice fall in her back yard.

It's really tough to have sympathy for someone who has been specifically responsible for promoting policy for decades that that has led to the problem she is now facing.

As sad as Ms. Siepp's condition may be, the saddest part of all is that if her life wasn't at stake, she probably wouldn't be speaking out against the current healthcare system. To add further irony she was worried that upon being diagnosed with cancer, she would "become nice." Well, don't worry Cathy. When you die, I'm sure there will be someone nearby to pick up the torch (and pitchfork).

Her current blog entry is titled, "Blue Cross to me: drop dead".

On behalf of BSAlert.com, may I also say, "Drop dead." Thanks. No sympathy for you. I bet that if Blue Cross agreed to cover you if you stopped writing about this issue, you'd erase your commentary faster than you could stick a bandaid with a Purple Heart on your cheek. Good riddance.



The party of compassion strikes again
Posted by David on 2006-04-24 15:41:43
One of the most hateful things I've ever read. Only good point: it reveals the bullying contempt that is the true face of the left, when the masks come off.
Posted by Pile on 2006-04-25 14:55:30
Ooooh, more persecution of the right wing majority by the oh-so-powerful left!


Keep dreaming. No sympathy for people who spread the doctrine of apathy and selfishness and then have it come back to bite them on the ass. I'm no representative of the left. I consider myself moderate, but am eternally amused at your generalizations. Thanks for the laugh.
Posted by Anonymous on 2006-04-26 21:15:37
Only an idiot would read this and assume that the writer is not only a liberal, but also a Democrat. Non sequitur anyone?
Posted by Clare on 2006-04-27 16:38:32
Yummy! Irony.....a hipster's comic relief


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