Ding, Dong, The Witch is Dead

Posted by wizeGurl (6354 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

So ends an era of unbridled corruption, as Tom DeLay decides not to run again for his Senate seat in the face of widespread scandal and looming felony charges.

He claims he's doing it "for the good of the Party," to allow a Republican untainted by scandal (if there is such a thing) to defeat his Democratic challenger. Apparently, the polls showed that he might--gasp!--lose if he ran. And if there's one message that America's youth needs to learn, it's that if you can't win, you shouldn't play.

But don't feel sorry for poor Tom DeLay...now that he's not running for office any more, he's free to use the million-odd dollars in his campaign fund to pay his lawyers instead of to run for office. Sure, he has a legal defense fund, but the contributions have been slowing down lately.

And while he may not be representing the great state of Texas anymore--or living there, since he stayed in the election race so long, the only way to be taken off the ballot is to move out of state--he won't be far away from the seats of power. Nope, he'll be living in Virginia, close to the capital, where perhaps the man who had demanded that all Washington lobbying firms be filled with Republicans (and gave the ones that complied special favors) will be able to find a high-paying gig in one of those K Street lobbies, offering his own golfing junkets and other bribes--oops, I mean donations--to his political buddies.


Well put!
Posted by Simpson on 2006-04-05 01:18:48
Very well said!


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