Can't See? Grab a Gun!
Posted by ueberbill
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A moronic Texas lawmaker (pardon the redundancy) has introduced a measure in the state legislature to allow the blind (to clarify, that is people who cannot see a damn thing) to hunt (to wrap-up, that is to allow people [who cannot see] to shoot things [they cannot SEE!!] with guns [THEY CANNOT SEE!!!]).
I guess the worst thing after not being able to see, is to not be able kill stuff. Looks like they're going to remedy that in Texas. |
Texas State Rep. Edmund Kuempel hopes that the measure (which, according to Reuters, may find little resistance in the hunting-crazed state of Texas) will be passed in January but not put into affect until 2008 (ATTENTION HIKERS...). The measure would allow means currently barred under Texas law (laser sights, other targeting devices, common freakin' sense) to be employed whilst hunting. Commenting on the measure, Kuempel states, "This opens up the fun of hunting to additional people, and I think that's great." Some of those "additional people" will include gutshot hunters, more-than-mildly surprised outdoorsy-types, and even the kind-hearted souls who help the sightless to lock 'n' load. |
Modified by ueberbill on 2006/12/13 10:46 | |
Oh, that silly Lege Posted by Not-too-proud-Texan on 2006-12-16 16:13:16 | These are the same guys who, when told they couldn't execute retarded people (by the federal government), changed the definition of "retarded." Ugh. |