U.S. Troops Shot a UK Journalist

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A British inquest has ruled that U.S. forces illegally killed experienced ITN reporter Terry Lloyd during the opening days of the Iraq war. Lloyd was shot in the head in a civilian ambulance as he was being transported to a hospital following an attack on his vehicle by Iraqi forces. The reporter's wife has released a statement saying U.S. forces "allowed their soldiers to behave like trigger-happy cowboys in an area in which there were civilians traveling."

Initially it was difficult to determine where the fatal shot had come from, as the ambulance would have been clearly visible to a tank but not necessarily to a helicopter. The inquest has determined that U.S. tank forces were responsible for Lloyd's death. U.S. authorities did not allow servicement to testify but a video shot by a servicemen attached to one of the tanks involved was shown to the inquest in which Lloyd's ambulance is seen burning amid gunfire and soldiers are heard shouting "It's some media personnel! That's media down there!"





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